
Music makes the people come together... Part 2

In march I posted some swedish songs/songs by swedish artists and I think it's time for a new part... click here for part 1
Again, this is just a small selection...there are many many more artists that make good music. I could posts hundreds of videos...but I won't ;) If you want more recommendations, feel free to contact me. And as always - feedback is appreciated (for example in that little shoutbox-thing on the right hand side...).

Salem Al Fakir - It's true
Nice pop-music. He's really talented - he played every instrument himself and produced the cd.

Lykke Li - I'm good, I'm gone
Quite cool...at first I thought "wtf?" but after hearing the song a few times I got used to it...and her Album is really good!

Johnossi - Man must dance
I saw them live last month :P

Björn Rosenström - Pojkarna som busar
Something swedish!! Really cool...I know that it's somebody's favourite artist ;P

The Perishers - Trouble Sleeping
Martin, the other austrian in my corridor, recommended this band to me...and they are really good :)

Peter, Björn & John - Young Folks
A friend asked me about this song recently...and I re-discovered this great band. A very catchy song :)

The Knife - Pass this on
Anders recommended this song/band to me...funny video ;P

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