Well, another week has passed - and it was a quite exciting one!
First of all, I had my first class in "The moving image in the expanded field of audivisuality" - and it was quite different from what I expected. The description said that it's about the history and development of cinema - but in fact it was just about the history of AVANT-GARDE Cinema. We watched some "movies" of artists and discussed the meaning of them. Although we didn't really "discuss" them, nobody understood the films better than before. One film, for example, just showed people opening and closing curtains - over and over again. Wow. Absolutely no idea what I shall learn

I hope the next lesson will be better. Don't get me wrong - I like art and I like art movies - but I want to watch them in a museum with additional information - or I want to discuss them afterwards - what we didn't do. The teacher explained nothing about the background or the meaning of the movies. Probably he didn't understand them himself ;)
However, on Wednesday the craziness went on - I watched (and I still can't believe it) my first football match on TV (this means -without making funny comments or switching the channel after a few seconds). Unbelievable, isn't it? (people who know me surely know that I am definitely not a football fan...) Jonathan, Hong and I went downtown to a billiard bar to watch the game. It was fun, but I have to admit, that I was more excited about the music that was playing in the bar then about the match. Oh yeah, by the way, it was Manchester United against Portsmouth. Manchester was the team that wore red dresses - at least something I know about them ;)

However, after this very exciting trip to the world of football I had a very calm and quiet evening in front of the TV on Friday. Sofia and I watched Flashdance, Let's Dance (swedish version of "Dancing Stars") and Billy Elliot - I know, very nerdy, but it was fun.
To compensate for the "nerdy-ness" I went to a Campus Party on Saturday - it was really cool, because this time there was a good DJ, a lot of nice Swedes and Exchange Students and everybody was in a good mood and dancing. The picture is Sofia's, so all the credits belong to her ;)
Sunday - well, was a boring day with boring weather. I met a swedish friend for a coffee and a walk; In the evening I watched some TV with Sofia and the others. There I found my new favourite word - "Bolibompa"!! Well, it's a name, but who cares ;) It's the name of a swedish kids program and I watched parts of it yesterday. It's a nice children's sh

Totally random, I know :D
Before I start listing all my favourite swedish words and bore you to death, I should better stop now.
So, that's it, that's what happened last week. Exciting, eh?
Feel free to comment or write to me (even if it's just something like "that last entry sucked" ;) ). Or if you have any facts about Manchester United that help me to show off and cover my lack-of-interest - write me!
See you soon,
1 comment:
ah now I can give you my comment :) Manchetser United is SHIT, bad Manuel, bad Manuel ;)
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